Posts Tagged: Health Coach

My “Must Have” List for Summer

Good morning! It has been a bit since I last did a post. I suppose between the end of the school year, house build ramp up, business growth and enjoying some time with our family I hit the pause button on the blog. I am going to make it a goal to post more recipes, more tips and more about...

Recipe: The Frosty

By now I am sure you all have realized I have a love of turning some of my favorite desserts and treats into superfood smoothies. It is so much fun to create a healthified version of the sweets I ate growing up- no deprivation! When I was little we would travel from Atlanta to Pittsburgh in a day- all 5...

The Green Smoothie

You all know that I adore smoothies- they are a pillar of my daily nutrition and an easy way to get the nutrients I need while I am on the run. And as a mom, I am pretty much always on the run! Green smoothies are hands-down the easiest way to sneak in some greens. I have been honing my...

These are a few of my favorite things!

Life has been so full lately- full of fun, parenting, cooking, working and building our home. I find that when I am at my busiest I gravitate towards the foods, snacks, recipes, workouts and gadgets that are tried and true and I know work in my favor. With that said, I wanted to share a few of my favorite things-...

Recipe: Quinoa, Cannellini and Lacinato Kale Loaded Bell Peppers

These delicious peppers were a joy to create and a delight to eat! I have talked before about how I eat seasonally- when it is hot outside I crave salads and grilled fish and when it is cold outside I want baked casseroles, soup and chili. This recipe, however, is great for both! These peppers are full of bright summer...

Recipe: Banana Free Beauty Smoothie

This recipe is one that I will have on repeat. I have been asked a lot lately for good smoothie recipes that have no bananas in them. While I adore bananas I know that not everyone does- and this smoothie recipe doesn’t have me missing a thing! This gorgeous smoothie has me craving the long, hot summer days. It just...

Recipe: Girl Scout Cookie Samoa Superfood Smoothie

It is safe to say that I saved the best for last. When I think of Girl Scout Cookies my mind goes to that Samoa. The gooey caramel, toasted coconut, chocolate and buttery cookie. Oh my. Too delicious. This superfood version of the Samoa in the form of a smoothie tastes even better! I truly can’t get over  how insanely...

Recipe: Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mint Superfood Smoothie

Here we go! Round 2 of my remake of Girl Scout Cookies into Superfood Smoothies- THIN MINT! These were always my favorite, and I would eat them frozen. So good. This smoothie is perfect because it has the same flavors and is nice and chilly just like the way that I used to enjoy my Girl Scout cookies. But, again,...

Top 5 Tips for Staying Healthy on the Road

Travel is a part of everyone’s life- some get to travel for fun, some for work and some a bit of both. No matter what- traveling throws people off schedule and out of their routine. Going into a fun trip with a vacation mentality is great! You want to enjoy the trip, make memories and soak up all the fun....

Recipe: Almond and Coconut Butter “Nicecream” Smoothie

This could be the most excited I have been to share a recipe with you all. Being on the Whole30 has had its highs and lows- this recipe has been one of the highest highs! I loved creating this amazing, nutrient dense, superfood smoothie. This can be served in a glass or a bowl- and you can vary the desired...