Top 5 Tips for Staying Healthy on the Road

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Travel is a part of everyone’s life- some get to travel for fun, some for work and some a bit of both. No matter what- traveling throws people off schedule and out of their routine.

Going into a fun trip with a vacation mentality is great! You want to enjoy the trip, make memories and soak up all the fun.

If its business you want to be efficient, rested, sharp and feel like you are putting your best foot forward each day.

One thing that both kinds of travel have in common: staying healthy on the road is hard!

Here are my Top 5 Tips for Staying Healthy on the Road:

  1. Drink water! Bring your own water bottle and stay hydrated. Staying hydrated curbs cravings, the more hydrated you are the more soundly and deep you will sleep (did you know the leading cause of daytime fatigue is dehydration?) and drinking enough water ensures your digestion will not be disrupted while traveling.Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 10.10.27 AM
  2. Look for “farm to table” “gluten free” or “vegetarian/vegan” when searching for places to eat while traveling. Using these key words to search for restaurants will result in a list of the cleanest places to eat wherever you are located.
  3. Move your body- even if it just 20 minutes each day! Go for a walk, complete a weight-free, no equipment necessary workout video on YouTube or hit the hotel gym if there is one.  Better yet- get adventurous on vacation! Rent a kayak, paddle board or bike- enjoy what is around you while burning a few calories. Plus, exercise is your bodies best defense against insomnia. See #5 😉Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 12.07.16 PM
  4. Bring your own snacks. This one sounds so simple, but ends up really making a difference. Having a snack keeps your blood sugar steady so you will be less likely to overeat later- and more likely to make good food choices when the time comes. Raw nuts, apples, bananas, Larabars, single serve nut butters, oatmeal and granola are all great non-perishable items to pack with you.Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 10.22.06 AMScreen Shot 2016-01-29 at 12.03.51 PMScreen Shot 2016-01-29 at 12.05.42 PM
  5. Get good sleep. Crank your thermostat down to 60-68 degrees, close the blinds (or bring an eye guard- that is what I do) and limit screen time before you go to sleep. Getting restorative sleep at night is as important as how you live your life during the day. Make those hours work for you- not against you!

Safe & healthy travels to you in the new year!


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