Category: IIN

On Becoming a Health Coach

Nutrition, exercise and wellness have not always been a priority for me. Cooking has been a passion since I was old enough to cook with my Mom, but understanding the physical benefits of eating a beautiful, colorful palate is something I did not learn until later in life. When I was in college, I was terribly unkind to my body...

Recipe: S’mores Smoothie

Here is the recipe of the week: S’mores smoothie bowl! Last week, I asked for feedback on what you all wanted to have me make next and when I read s’mores smoothie in the comments I was SOLD! This is a flavor combo I love, but have never tried to create in a smoothie form. Probably because creating marshmallow flavors...

Recipe: Whole 30 Cashew Cookie Smoothie

I hope that if you try this one, you LOVE it. I remember that during our entire Whole 30 this was the recipe that was made the most by other people doing the Whole 30, too. It uses my most favorite nut butter: cashew! It is hard to choose a favorite nut and nut butter because I love them all....

Recipe: Whole 30 Creamy Cacao + Almond Butter Smoothie

Are you into eating chocolate ice cream smoothie bowls for breakfast? Cool, me, too. You are in good company. Starting the day with something sweet is it for me. I tend to associate savory meals with lunch and dinner and very rarely will go savory for breakfast. I like my breakfast to taste like dessert and I don’t hide it....

Recipe: Whole 30 Mango Greenie Smoothie

I will eat a mango any chance I get. They are hands down my favorite fruit and I may or may not battle Edie over who gets to eat the last one’s πŸ˜‰ Don’t worry, I always give them to her! There is no way I could go through a smoothie series and not have a killer green smoothie recipe....

Recipe: Whole 30 Pumpkin Spiced Smoothie

Fall is definitely my favorite season. Not for the PSL, but for the sweet relief from the summer heat in Florida. We have this one day we celebrate in our house each year and it is the first day after summer where we open all the windows and the porch slider and let the cool air in. THAT is my...

Recipe: Cinnamon Salted Caramel Smoothie

We have just fallen head over heels for a new recipe! This cinnamon salted caramel smoothie was born out of running out of greens and craving a little salty/sweet combo. I love to use extracts and seasoning in my smoothie recipes to elevate their flavors. Also, when you are trying to limit the amount of sugar that can end up...

Recipe: Everyday Green Smoothie

It is safe to say that the way to my heart is via green smoothie. Anytime we travel I try to find a locally owned smoothie shop to try and we have been to SO many great ones. This recipe pulls from some of my favorite ones that we have had on the road. It took me a long time...

Whole30: Week 2

Good morning and happy Sunday! Hope that you are all having a great start to your week. Before the week gets away from me, I wanted to share our menu for week 2 on the Whole30. Things have been going really well the first week (other than the occasional night sweats, which are crazy!) The food has been delicious and...

When being present means outsourcing.

I feel like it is ground hog’s day when I post. It has, again, been ages since my last blog entry. Life has been full & so good. My hope is that if you are reading this you are all doing well, too. Our little one’s are out on summer break right now and it is a luxury to be...