Posts Tagged: BB Wellness

Top 10 Food Products We LOVE!

While we have always loved to cook at home, during the pandemic, cooking was elevated to new heights in our house. I was constantly looking for recipes the family would love. Trying out new fruits, veggies, meats and fish. Researching new products that I hadn’t tried but wanted to. This is one of my favorite parts of the work I...

On Becoming a Health Coach

Nutrition, exercise and wellness have not always been a priority for me. Cooking has been a passion since I was old enough to cook with my Mom, but understanding the physical benefits of eating a beautiful, colorful palate is something I did not learn until later in life. When I was in college, I was terribly unkind to my body...

Recipe: Whole 30 Creamy Cacao + Almond Butter Smoothie

Are you into eating chocolate ice cream smoothie bowls for breakfast? Cool, me, too. You are in good company. Starting the day with something sweet is it for me. I tend to associate savory meals with lunch and dinner and very rarely will go savory for breakfast. I like my breakfast to taste like dessert and I don’t hide it....

Recipe: Whole 30 Coconut Cream Pie Smoothie

This is another recipe that was inspired by family. My grandmother’s favorite dessert was Coconut Cream pie. We grew up eating her favorite dessert on special occasions and this past year for my Mom’s birthday we mailed her one. Again, food brings us close to the one’s we love when we can’t be physically close to them. In my personal...

Recipe: Whole 30 Pumpkin Spiced Smoothie

Fall is definitely my favorite season. Not for the PSL, but for the sweet relief from the summer heat in Florida. We have this one day we celebrate in our house each year and it is the first day after summer where we open all the windows and the porch slider and let the cool air in. THAT is my...

Living. Well.

I want to talk about those two words for a minute. As a health coach I work each and every day to help my clients achieve their most healthy, happy and balanced life. We talk, experiment, laugh, support, grow and essentially create changes in their life that help them to achieve their personal goals. There can be a huge learning...

The Green Smoothie

You all know that I adore smoothies- they are a pillar of my daily nutrition and an easy way to get the nutrients I need while I am on the run. And as a mom, I am pretty much always on the run! Green smoothies are hands-down the easiest way to sneak in some greens. I have been honing my...

Holiday parties are great, but…

If you are on a path toward trying to eat better, lose weight and stay on track they can quickly derail anyone. Endless tables of food, alcohol and oh, the sweets! Christmas cookies, candies and cakes staring you in the face looking beautiful and delicious can be really heard to pass up. I wanted to share 6 healthy, easy tips...

Recipe: Kale Caesar Salad

Good morning! I feel like it was just yesterday I wrote about the top 10 reasons kale is your new friend with benefits. And, as promised I am going to share my recipe for Kale Caesar Salad today. This salad will convert any person who hasn’t tried kale or is convinced that they don’t like kale to become friendly with...