Recipe: Whole 30 Coconut Cream Pie Smoothie

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This is another recipe that was inspired by family. My grandmother’s favorite dessert was Coconut Cream pie. We grew up eating her favorite dessert on special occasions and this past year for my Mom’s birthday we mailed her one. Again, food brings us close to the one’s we love when we can’t be physically close to them. In my personal life, food is so much more than fuel. It is family, memories, therapy and JOY.

I pray that as parents we instill that in Evan and Edie. So far, I think we are doing a good job of creating experiences with meals and allowing them to participate in the process. They are open to trying new food and aren’t shy about letting us know their likes and dislikes. I just want them to continue to find happiness through eating a balance of nutrient dense foods and fun foods, too. We need both!

For me, this recipe is a marriage of the two. It is a sweet dessert smoothie that is jam packed with nutrients that will make your body absolutely hum. Enjoy my rendition on my grandmother’s favorite Coconut Cream Pie Smoothie!


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