Holiday parties are great, but…

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If you are on a path toward trying to eat better, lose weight and stay on track they can quickly derail anyone. Endless tables of food, alcohol and oh, the sweets! Christmas cookies, candies and cakes staring you in the face looking beautiful and delicious can be really heard to pass up.

I wanted to share 6 healthy, easy tips to prepare you to go to that party and stay on track while you are there.

  1. Eat a healthy snack and have a great big glass of water 30 minutes before you leave for the party. Arriving hydrated and not starving will help you to curb cravings for sugar, drink your beverage of choice more slowly and make smart choices with what you put on your plate.
  2. If you choose to enjoy a cocktail at the party go for wine or clear liquor (like vodka) with club soda or other sugar free mixers.
  3. After every cocktail, sip on a club soda or ice water. If you do this you will keep your body from getting dehydrated and wake up feeling fresh, not foggy.
  4. Fill your plate with vegetables and lean meats- and always leave a little room for a treat. You don’t want to deprive yourself- but by filling your plate with nourishing foods and enjoying them slowly (remember to really chew!) you may not even want the sweet treat.
  5. When in doubt, offer to bring a dish or appetizer you know will be healthy and great for you to eat. I love to bring a gorgeous platter of roasted vegetables or homemade hummus with vegetables.
  6. Think of parties as a time to connect and catch up with friends and family. Focus on the people, not on the food. Fill yourself with wonderful conversations, hugs and memories- not empty calories you will be bummed about in the morning.

If you follow these easy tips and you will wake up feeling fabulous after that holiday party! Have fun, stay safe and soak up this special holiday season!


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