Posts Tagged: healthy fats

Recipe: The Everyday Chocolate Smoothie

I am the type of girl who finds comfort in routine and structure. I love what I love and make no excuses for the way we live our life. Even the 3 AM alarm that tends to blow most minds. It is the routine of our life that allows me to be spontaneous and very present. The more I know,...

Recipe: Whole 30 Mango Greenie Smoothie

I will eat a mango any chance I get. They are hands down my favorite fruit and I may or may not battle Edie over who gets to eat the last one’s 😉 Don’t worry, I always give them to her! There is no way I could go through a smoothie series and not have a killer green smoothie recipe....

Recipe: Everyday Green Smoothie

It is safe to say that the way to my heart is via green smoothie. Anytime we travel I try to find a locally owned smoothie shop to try and we have been to SO many great ones. This recipe pulls from some of my favorite ones that we have had on the road. It took me a long time...

Recipe: Best Ever Guacamole

We are like so many others and ADORE a great guacamole. There is something about having a bowl of guac on the counter that just screams party!!! I learned how to make guacamole when I was in college and still use the exact recipe today. We prefer to use our guacamole as a condiment to our grilled meats and veggies....