Category: Vegetarian

These are a few of my favorite things!

Life has been so full lately- full of fun, parenting, cooking, working and building our home. I find that when I am at my busiest I gravitate towards the foods, snacks, recipes, workouts and gadgets that are tried and true and I know work in my favor. With that said, I wanted to share a few of my favorite things-...

Recipe: Quinoa, Cannellini and Lacinato Kale Loaded Bell Peppers

These delicious peppers were a joy to create and a delight to eat! I have talked before about how I eat seasonally- when it is hot outside I crave salads and grilled fish and when it is cold outside I want baked casseroles, soup and chili. This recipe, however, is great for both! These peppers are full of bright summer...

Recipe: Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mint Superfood Smoothie

Here we go! Round 2 of my remake of Girl Scout Cookies into Superfood Smoothies- THIN MINT! These were always my favorite, and I would eat them frozen. So good. This smoothie is perfect because it has the same flavors and is nice and chilly just like the way that I used to enjoy my Girl Scout cookies. But, again,...

Recipe: Whole30 Italian Herb, Lemon and Vegetable Soup

I have been on a Whole30 recipe writing kick lately! There are so many men and women taking part in these 30 days right now- and I wanted to make sure that I got these posted ASAP so that if you wanted to make them you could. This soup is full of my favorite vegetables and bright lemon. I love...

Recipe: Whole30 All Vegetable Chili

Hot off the presses! I wanted to share a versatile Whole30 Chili recipe with you- it will make the vegans, vegetarians and meat eaters all happy! You customize this based on your family’s likes- there is nothing better than that! I have talked before about how I am a seasonal eater- and the temps in Florida have dropped. When it...

Recipe: Matcha Avocado Smoothie

I am in the middle of a love affair with Matcha. I have been enjoying homemade Matcha Smoothies and Matcha Lattes- and am hooked! Matcha is a powdered green tea- harvested by hand in Japan. It is the only form of tea in which the whole leaf is consumed and is high in dietary fiber, yet practically calorie free. There...

Recipe: Crock Pot Mushroom, Wild Rice and Coconut Milk Soup

I love soup, slow cooking and seasonal eating. I am a sucker for warming soups and stews, spicy casseroles and anything that makes me feel like its winter time. We live in Florida and yesterday it was 82 outside- not exactly Christmas weather- but in my kitchen it is all about the dishes that remind me of our cold winters...

Recipe: Kale Caesar Salad

Good morning! I feel like it was just yesterday I wrote about the top 10 reasons kale is your new friend with benefits. And, as promised I am going to share my recipe for Kale Caesar Salad today. This salad will convert any person who hasn’t tried kale or is convinced that they don’t like kale to become friendly with...

Meet Kale: Your New Friend With Benefits

When I first heard of kale I thought that it was a “trendy” food. You know, the one you hear about non-stop for about 6 months and then the new, cooler, healthier food comes to light and kale is all but forgotten. I was so wrong! Kale is a dark, leafy green that comes in a few different varieties- Curly,...

Recipe: Fabulous Fall Slow Cooker Chili

I am a seasonal eater- during the fall months I crave all things soups, stews, chili and pumpkin. Even living in Florida when right now the weather is still in the 80’s I am craving warming foods.  On Sunday I decided to try my hand at creating a slow cooker chili and my goodness am I glad I did! I...