Posts Tagged: vital proteins

Recipe: Almond Butter Cookie Smoothie

There was a time in the early days of my being at Institute for Integrative Nutrition for my health coach training certification that I was in a “dessert” smoothie phase. I tried to recreate all my favorite desserts and girl scout cookies into superfood smoothies. This smoothie recipe took me back to the early days. This one is all about...

my favorite protein supplements

Good morning and happy Wednesday! One of the questions that I get most often is, what are my favorite brands of protein powder. I have tried and used so many over the years and wanted to pull together a list of the brands that I love the most so that you may be able to choose one that you and...

7- Day Whole30 Reset

Good morning, and happy Sunday! What a spring break week- Legoland was a total success and my sister and her husband were able to come and stay with us for the latter part of the week. It was pure joy! Lots of laughter, wonderful meals and lingering nights sipping wine with my sister. Soul food is the best way to...