Posts Tagged: Health Coach

Menu Plan: February 19-24

Good morning! I am sitting here sipping my superfood butter coffee (I have a post coming on this soon!) and just wrapped up our menu for this week. It is exciting to feel the weather warm up and already feel our menu trending toward the foods I love in the warmer months. This week is all about ease and speed....

Liquid Magic

I want to talk about juicing with you all. Nothing feels quite like the first few sips of a fresh, pressed juice. They provide an energy that you can’t get any other way! I was just speaking with a client today about this “feeling”. We both marveled at how you can feel each vein in your body wake up from...

2016: What a Year

It is hard to believe that it is almost the end of 2016. I love to spend some time reflecting on life before a new year begins- what did I love, what would I have done different and how big do I dare to dream for the next year. Over this last year, I have stopped living in a space...

YOUR Healthiest Holiday 2016: Online Program Offering

  Good morning, everyone! I have been talking to so many friends, clients and people lately that are worried about staying on track with their health goals over the holidays. There are holiday parties, cookies at the office, parties at school, cocktails and family gatherings. So much of the next 6 weeks centers around indulging and food. I know from...

Recipe: Honeycrisp Crumble Superfood Smoothie

Good morning! What a fun morning and afternoon I had yesterday celebrating the Jacksonville Beach location of Native Sun’s 1 year anniversary. I had the honor of partnering with them to create, demo and share a smoothie that was both seasonal and packed a superfood punch. The recipe reminds me of apple picking, leaves changing color and the delicious smell...

Recipe: Sweet Potato Pie Smoothie

We are moving into our new house in 11 days and in an effort to lighten our load I am using everything we’ve got in the refrigerator and freezer that I can. When I woke up Saturday I found a leftover baked sweet potato and decided to create a smoothie using it as the star ingredient. I love sweet potatoes-...

My Bookshelf: What I am reading right now

I love books. In my mind you can never know or read too much- which is probably one of the reasons I am so passionate about nutrition. The information is always changing, the science is always evolving and no two people are alike. I am thankful that there are so many resources available to pull from when I am working...

Weekly Exercise Schedule

I get asked all the time about the workouts that I do. Today, I am going to share a sample workout schedule with you. What I put below is a typical week for me- with no workout really lasting longer than 30 minutes. Except yoga 😉 Sunday: Rest Day. I always have 1 weekend day that I do not workout....

Living. Well.

I want to talk about those two words for a minute. As a health coach I work each and every day to help my clients achieve their most healthy, happy and balanced life. We talk, experiment, laugh, support, grow and essentially create changes in their life that help them to achieve their personal goals. There can be a huge learning...

Recipe: Quinoa Power Salad

I love creating salads in the summer. We live in the water and outside during the summer months and many nights don’t feel like heating up the kitchen at the stove or with the oven. Making this salad in the morning and then not having to do a thing for dinner is just the BEST! This salad is a meal...