Category: Nutrition

7- Day Whole30 Reset

Good morning, and happy Sunday! What a spring break week- Legoland was a total success and my sister and her husband were able to come and stay with us for the latter part of the week. It was pure joy! Lots of laughter, wonderful meals and lingering nights sipping wine with my sister. Soul food is the best way to...

Menu Plan: March 12-17

Menu planning today was fun- it is dreary outside and we are having a super lazy day. As I type this, at almost 1 PM, I am still in my robe. Bliss! Spring break starts for both kids on Friday. We are lucky that they have the same time off because they are in different counties. We are heading to...

recipe: teriyaki salmon over coconut lime cauliflower rice

Teriyaki Salmon over Coconut Lime Cauliflower Rice Serves 1 (with some leftover rice)   Ingredients: 6-ounce wild salmon filet 12-ounce bag of frozen, organic riced cauliflower large handful of baby spinach 2 Tbsp. teriyaki sauce (see recipe below) 1/3 cup full fat, organic coconut milk 2-3 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lime juice 2 tsp. unrefined coconut oil cracked pepper & pink...

Menu Plan: March 5- 10

Good morning and happy Sunday! This week’s menu is planned out and we have a theme: SALADS! It has to be this sunny weather, but I am craving big, beautiful dinner salads. Sometimes having a theme makes finding recipes easy, and this week that holds true. I couldn’t be happier with the meals we have planned for this week and...

recipe: turmeric crusted salmon

This crust has become a craving that won’t quit. It is the perfect blend of flavors and has one of my all-time favorite functional foods: TURMERIC! I love this vibrant yellow, anti-inflammatory spice. The flavors in this dish are out of this world. This is a one-pan lunch or dinner that comes together in under 30 minutes. Nothing beats that!...

Menu Plan: February 26- March 3

Good morning! I hope that you all are having a great weekend- the weather in Jacksonville yesterday was pure bliss! We overdosed on sunshine and all slept like a dream last night. Just wrapped up our menu planning session for this week. My goal for our menu is to create a bunch of leftovers. Michael is not traveling at all...

Kid Snacks

I get asked a lot about snacks- we live in a world where we are all constantly moving from one thing to the next. Portable food is a part of all of our lives. It can be hard to make the right choices sometimes. A mom recently asked me to share my favorite snacks for kids and I knew this...

recipe: superfood butter coffee

Coffee has come a long way in our house. I have talked before about how early Michael and I wake up each day- our alarm goes off at 3:50 AM. I savor that time with him each day. We sip our coffee, watch the news (yes, there is news on that early 😉 ) and catch up with each other....

Menu Plan: February 19-24

Good morning! I am sitting here sipping my superfood butter coffee (I have a post coming on this soon!) and just wrapped up our menu for this week. It is exciting to feel the weather warm up and already feel our menu trending toward the foods I love in the warmer months. This week is all about ease and speed....

Liquid Magic

I want to talk about juicing with you all. Nothing feels quite like the first few sips of a fresh, pressed juice. They provide an energy that you can’t get any other way! I was just speaking with a client today about this “feeling”. We both marveled at how you can feel each vein in your body wake up from...