Posts Tagged: Cook

recipe: buttery cabbage (whole 30 compliant)

I never would have imagined craving cabbage- chocolate, yes! Coffee, yes! Guacamole, yes! Cabbage… not so much! Yet, here I am, sharing a recipe for buttery cabbage that has truly become one of my favorite dishes ever! I have had lots of friends make this dish and they have told me that it converted even the non-cabbage lover. This cabbage...

recipe: turmeric crusted salmon

This crust has become a craving that won’t quit. It is the perfect blend of flavors and has one of my all-time favorite functional foods: TURMERIC! I love this vibrant yellow, anti-inflammatory spice. The flavors in this dish are out of this world. This is a one-pan lunch or dinner that comes together in under 30 minutes. Nothing beats that!...

Menu Plan: February 19-24

Good morning! I am sitting here sipping my superfood butter coffee (I have a post coming on this soon!) and just wrapped up our menu for this week. It is exciting to feel the weather warm up and already feel our menu trending toward the foods I love in the warmer months. This week is all about ease and speed....

Recipe: Kale Caesar Salad

Good morning! I feel like it was just yesterday I wrote about the top 10 reasons kale is your new friend with benefits. And, as promised I am going to share my recipe for Kale Caesar Salad today. This salad will convert any person who hasn’t tried kale or is convinced that they don’t like kale to become friendly with...