“I don’t belong to a Gym- so I can’t workout.”

It used to be the only way you could get exercise was if you belonged to a gym or liked to hit the pavement outdoors for a walk or a run. My how times have changed!

I get asked all the time from friends, clients and readers on Instagram what workouts I recommend. I am going to dive into some of my favorite at home workouts, yoga flows and share some wonderful treadmill/interval workouts, too.

I don’t belong to a gym ( but do have a treadmill at home ) and haven’t since January 2012. Since that time I have been dedicated to staying strong and in shape with workouts I can do at home- first thing in the morning while the kids are still asleep and the moon is shining bright 😉 (I do treat myself to a yoga class a couple times a month and LOVE the challenge of those classes when I can fit them in!)

While that means getting up early, for me, there is no better way to start the day. The early morning is the only time during the day that no one needs me- I am able to exercise, shower, prepare for client sessions and do things around the house.

The workouts I am going to share can be done any time of day, are quiet so if you have a sleeping little one they won’t wake up, and will leave you feeling energized, refreshed and unstoppable!

I love the saying, “The only bad workout is a missed workout.”

It is so true- even if you do 10 minutes of something- you got your body moving. That is all that matters!

All of the workouts I am going to share below are one’s that I have tried, love and recommend.

  1. Tone It Up : This is one of my go-to sites for at home workouts. Not only are the workouts quick (most are 10-15 minutes) they are effective! These are great for women, and I have done them with Michael (he will use a 15-20 lb set of dumbbells and gets SO sore!) Here are some of my favorites:
  2. Treadmill Workouts:
  3. Kayla Itsines: 12 Week Bikini Body Guide I love this program! Each daily exercise is 28 minutes long- and laid out in such an easy way. The guide starts out with smaller moves and exercises and ramps up as you go. It is quick, fun, efficient and you will absolutely see results! The programScreen Shot 2015-10-07 at 5.58.28 PM guide costs under $70.00 and is delivered instantly as a digital book. You just save it to your computer and can get started right away!
  4. Yoga Flows:

Happy Friday to you! If you have any questions about these workouts or want other recommendations just leave me a line below- I will be happy to help 🙂




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